Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Night for Randomosity :)

These past two nights have been so much fun.
Thursday night, I went out with Brett, Michelle, and Jake. It was completely random and unexpected. Brett and I were talking after a Bible study and then the other two walked up, so we all headed over to Lowes. Where we sat on a wall located behind the store and just hung out. Doesn't sound fun, I know, but it was. I guess it was the people. And getting off campus =)
Friday was even better. Our room has been trying to go out together for a long time, but we've always been so busy. But we finally got a chance! We went out to Color Me Mine. Which was a lot of fun. We were there for like 3 hours!!! One of my roomies was takinga long time, so the rest of us went next door for pinkberry while she finished up. Afterwards we went to In-N-Out. Then we headed back to school- it was around 10:30. Then at 11:30, a group of about 14 of us decided we wanted to do something. So we piled into three cars and headed to WalMart. Where, we played the WalMart game (Makes sense, right?:). Basically each team grabs 5 of the most random, hard-to-find objects possible. Then all the teams switch, and have to put the items back! Whoever gets done first and meets back at the designated spot wins:) Afterwards, we went to In-N-Out for shakes (I felt right at home, having left only like an hour before that). We got back to campus around 1:45, and all split to our different rooms. We were up till maybe 2:30 just talking and hanging out in our room. It reall was a fun way to start the weekend.

1 comment:

danielle said...

that sounds like fun! i want to go to color-me-mine now!
i'm glad you are having fun :)