Friday, July 20, 2007


so tonight i went out to see ratatouille, with ben, nathan, and paul kent, heather, nicole and christy post, jane and rachel shibley, and louisa hermann. it was really fun! we went at about 7, and had starbucks, and then went to the movie. it was so cute! everyone should go see, our whole row was laughing every 5 minutes. so then we were going to the posts, when we heard a rattling in my car. we pulled over into a parkinglot. so we popped the hood and checked the oil, and were looking at different things, but we couldnt find anything wrong with it. so we got back in and were going to drive home, when the rattling and shaking becomes worse. so we get back out and nathan starts telling me about how his car broke down once, but his was because he had a flat tire1 and we look... and i have a flat. so we call paul and ben, and they come after 10 minutes and paul has to crawl under my car, getting completely filthy on the asphalt! so he chanfes it, and it only takes about 30 minutes! whoopee (sarcasm). but no, it was a fun evening

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

sunday pics

so we went around the neighborhood, and took pictures and heres 5 of about 100 of them :D


so sunday and yesterday were so much fun.
well, i expected to go baby sit, and i was excited bc i hadnt seen bethany in 3 weeks. but we didnt have top babysit! so i went to their house and we went around taking pictures with her new camera. it was fun. aaron came with us and we took pictures of lemons and dancers and head surgeons (sort of). it was just really fun.

last night:
so the kents came over for dinner. well, just nathan, paul, and mr and mrs. but they are so funny! i love mr kent, and paul!!! the whole night they were just laughing and laughing!
here was a conversation with mr kent, paul, and i.
mr kent: you know, these flowers look alot like mine. (there was a vase of roses on the table)
me: oh really?
paul: yeah dad, thats cause we brought them
--- everybody laughing---
paul leans over to me and says: you know, he must be deaf, because last time we walked through here, he said the same thing, and i told him we brought them.
mr kent: really? i didnt hear you!!!

it was all just really fun, and we were all laughing really hard. they stayed until 10:45, and then they went home, and my sister took me to go get gas in my car. it was the first time i had filled it up, and i was barefoot! it was fun, it seemed very fitting somehow. you know, mary when she graduated from calvin went barefoot, and she also got married barefoot, and heather isnt going to wear any shoes, and i know im not going to be doing anything uncomfortable, which means barefoot, and on and on and on. it shows you how we really dont believe in shoes

Monday, July 16, 2007

i hate idiotic kids!!!

some idiots threw an egg at my car! luckily it hadnt dried all the way, or it would have peeled the paint off. i hate stupid teenagers!!!