Saturday, April 12, 2008


today was great!
i woke up, and worked on my Bible paper,
took a shower,
i went to a book store at the lakewood mall where they have books for a dollar. i bought four childrens books. the mixed up files of mrs basil e frankwiler, i cant remember the others, and my mom gave me blueberries for sal. all for my someday kids, but i love them, and can remember reading them.
then we went down to belmont shores and we went in a flower shop for the wedding, we went into tjs, where i got a smoothie- which tasted good since it was like 5 billion degrees out!
then i went with heather to a thriftstore. i found an awesome side table, which matches the one i got a couple of months earlier!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Elephant Paints Self Portrait

wow! this movie is pretty long, so just fforward to the end. i can't believe it can draw this well!

Monday, April 7, 2008

she loves to catch a ride around on my shoulders