Monday, May 12, 2008


i have been reading a book of humorous quotes my mom has recorded over the years from when we were little, and i haven't laughed this much in a long time!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers Day!

in honor of mothers day, we always have the grandparents over. the conversation was hilarious. first they talked about flies. our screen door has a hole, and theyve been coming in, and it drives my mom crazy. i was in a different room, so i didnt hear the beginning, but here is the rest of it. this is my grandma pollard- these flies are getting smarter! those are not the same flies we had when i was growing up. ???
we also had one of those "when i was young..." they were talking about how they didnt have any of these electronics, and how they played outside. they made a list of their favorite games: marbles, trading cards (like actual playing cards), jacks, and hopscotch. then my grandmother leans over to me and says- have you heard of hopscotch? i laughed and said yes. she said, well you never know, it was a long time ago! i may have more electronic things available to me today, but as a kid, i still spent a lot of time oustide with my siblings. the only real electronic system we had was nintendo 64, and i dont think mario cart had a corrupting influence on my innocent little life. :D