Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I'm supposed to be studying for a mid-term, but am taking a quick break to.... procrastinate:) Don't tell anyone.
I forget when, but sometime last week, Deb (our RA) and Candace and I all snuck out at 1am, to go to Dennys. Where we had a 'midnight' snack to tide us over till morning. I don't even really know why we went- we were all studying in Deb's room and then decided to go. It WASN'T so much fun the next morning, but it made for good memories.
Last night, at the dinner table, was also quite humorous. Candace and I were standing at the drink 'table.' We were just talking and laughing, just like any other night. Then she took a big gulp of her milk, and of course, something struck her as being funny right at that moment! I turn my face towards her, and wham! A face full of milk. I started to laugh so hard- I think we could have gotten away undetected if I hadn't started laughing so much:) I had about three people offering me napkins, or wiping my face for me. I found it hilarious, but poor Candace was so embarassed.
The end. The night wears on, and I have to know the whole history of education in America by Thursday. Oh joy!