Friday, July 18, 2008


i woke up this morning at about 8. i have been house sitting, so i took care of everything at the house before coming home. at 9:30, i drove to the deal's house. they have two boys, and today, they also had a friend over. i babysat them from 9:30 to 12:00. we went down to play at the park. there was this really cute boy! latino, with wavy brown hair. he was playing on the playground, whne all of a sudden he was dangling over the edge, he must have slipped off. naturally i freaked, and ran over to lift him down, and then he came to visit me on my bench. i think he mainly wanted my food, but i wasn't about to give him anything. one of the kids i was bbsitting was bored after 3 minutes! i hate it when kids don't want to play outside. then we walked home, and i left. for lunch, i had a date with a couple other people at bj's so i headed over that way. lunch was fun, and as we walked out, we saw this group of valley kids (i hate seeing people i know places). then, driving home, i saw bethany and aaron! so i guess aaron wanted to hang out with that group of people, so bethany drove him over. what a good sister :P
now, i am supposed to be working on my english project. i am forcing myself to finish it before the end of the week! overall a fantastic day.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

my timeline

life is pretty good rightnow. i have worked two days recently, plus i will have bbsat twice by saturday, plus im house sitting. i go over to the house and sleep every night with 2 dogs. these are the most annoying dogs ever! but it is worth it. i might go to the beach tomorrow. i just had dinner with joseph, and conversation was hilarious. i may see ashley in the next 2-3 weeks. i may be having lunch on thursday with some friends and mrs cortez. i don't know what else has been going on, but it has been fun!
oh, yesterday, i went with my mom to one of our '70s stores. they have a head i really like. then we went to the goodwill across the street, and i found a word. inspire! one word that can mean so much.
i also have been talking to my grandparents. i love talking to them. i learned that when my g-ma was about 18, she was almost in the roseparade, but her employer wouldn't let her. and i was talking to my g-pa about his uncle's restaurant.
if one is a sea anemone, is two sea anemoni? :P