Tuesday, August 18, 2009


At the end of this week, I am saying goodbye. And all this week, I am hanging with friends and family :) Monday: Bethany and I went to Signal Hill to talk- this random guy came up to us and told us how lucky we were to be sitting there in the most gorgeous spot in the world (in his opinion (and he's been to over 60 countries)). When we started to freeze, we went to It's A Grind for a hot choc. Tuesday: I got off work unexpectedly early, so I went to Baja Fresh. bought two tacos, and drove into a random neighborhood to enjoy them while sitting in my car listening to the radio- it was so much fun:D Then I went to Danielle's house to try to finish the painting we started ages ago. We have a little left to go. Wed: the Hippos are headed to Olive Garden (and who knows what after!). I'm excited. I haven't seen two of them in forever. Thursday I spend ALL day packing (I've not started yet) and then that night my grandma is throwing me a party. She is so cute. She is going to have an icecream cake (I love ice cream) and bubble water/perrier (which she is very enthusiastic about (I also like it, though)). She's cute, and I love her. Friday morning I wake up early to make the long drive out to school (hopefully with my mother- she might have jury duty) and say hello to my new world.