Friday, June 5, 2009


last day of high school. sadness- kind of. We were sitting in the back of Bible class and I was like wow- last 15 minutes...last 10..... over!!!! and then hannah kim ran up and gave me a huge hug. she and lindsey were getting so emotional over it being my last period- so funny. and cassie almost started to cry. i was just trying not to laugh. not that i'm not sad- i am- but i just couldnt cry at school.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Last of everything

last chapel...
last Thursday...
last day of high school tomorrow...
last homework assignment (English of course)...
last day of seeing friends I've gone to school with for the past six years!

I'm excited, happy, sad... and a little bit apprehensive. But mostly happy and sad- :) (there's an oxymoron for you Mrs. Terhorst!)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Catalina and more!

Seniors made the long treacherous journey to Catalina on Monday. And after walking up hill both ways, through the rain and through the sleet, we finally made it. No, but it was fun, although it was a rather chilly day. We met up at school at 6:45 to be inspected by the drug dog, left on buses, and took the boat over. Everyone broke up pretty fast, and after getting beaten by the teachers, we decided NOT to go into the waffle house, but wound up stopping at a bakery for - what else? baked goods- and coffee. We wandered for a while, but ultimately wound up renting bicycles. We split up into several groups and went our own ways, but after maybe an hour to an hour and a half, half of us returned our bikes and went to lunch. The 'others' joined us shortly after. The afternoon was basically spent wandering around. And eating, of course. Mostly, we sat on the beach, which was fun. I have to say, though. They had these ginormous caramel apples which were so yummy. After sampling Danielle and Allison's, Amy and I split one- along with several other people.
Today, was not so much fun. I started out by sleeping in- which was a positive. I awoke to having to take my car to get a car smog. She squeaked by. Hopefully she will only have to take one more, and in three years she'll be 25 and no longer need this exam. I then came home for a short while, before going to the doc's (which I hadn't been to in 4 years) and having a chicken pox and tetanus shot administered to what is now a semi sore arm. After that, I went on a random shopping outing with my mom, however, and bought several new items- including several things I wouldn't have previously worn, but since I will be able to change my identity, I figured why not?! That pretty much wound up my day except for the fact that I did work on my English project -if only a little bit- and am very proud of myself for doing so.