Saturday, October 6, 2007


so i just finished my 40 hours of practice driving! whoohoo!
that is pretty much all i did today, except homework, and read. yesterday i was at the harvest festival, which was super fun this year, bc i got to work in the yearbook booth. face painting! oh yeah! i loved it. i could do an awesome rocket ship, but i could hardly do a heart w/out smearing it- oh well :D
i was all set on going to the football game afterward, but it was freezing, and i was exhausted, and my throat was way too sore for it! so i went home, and crawled into bed at 10! it felt amazing.

by the way, does anyone know how long sore throats are supposed to last?

Friday, October 5, 2007


something kind of cool happened today!
we had harvest festival today, so we werent really doing anything in yearbook, except sitting on the floor and decorating the signs for our booth in the harvest festival. so i was sitting on the ground after coloring a poster,but i had finished so i was kind of bored. i turned around to talk to rachel, then i see this writting under the desks, and i thought, i might as well read it as not.
this is what i read: "what yearbookers should do when they feel like they aren't working" and this person had listed all kinds of random things- but they are the same type of random things that bethany and i talk about! it was so weird. there were things written down like : "do you prefer shower or bath, do you sleep on your side, back, or stomach?" the bottom part of the writing was covered by a board, so i moved it, and what do i see?
the name mary, in my sisters handwriting, and the date -2001! the year she graduated. i just thought that that was kind of funny!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

you missed out amy!

there is a girl who rides our bus, who is incredibly annoying. she is the loudest person you have EVER heard, i dint kniw hiw she has any friends! anyway, she was being really loud on the bus today- i mean unusually loud and talkative. half way through the ride, the girl starts yelling at US to be quiet! shes telling us that? anyway, the whole bus starts yelling and altogether screaming- just like she is whenever someone else is on the fun. anyway, the whole bus got their revenge on her, and it was hilarious. the bus driver actually stopped the bus. that was the best part of my day, pretty much

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

oh man!

i woke up this morning, and felt rotten! my throat was SO sore, and i had a temperature. i got up and started to get ready for school, but i felt awful. so my mom made me stay home today. i guess it was good to stay home, i dont want anyone else getting sick, but i HATE missing school! especially this year- i am going to be so behind. oh well, its mainly math and chemistry im worried about.
so that is why i wasnt at school today :D