Sunday, January 9, 2011

I left my heart in Sacramento

Seriously, I'm completely enamored. What a wonderful trip to visit with Mary and Luke. Ben is at Calvin teaching a class for a month so they are home alone; I went up to visit and fill time. The weather was quite cold, so we didn't end up doing much- at least as far as outside goes.

Wednesday Morning I arrived (After waking up at 5:30!!!) early, around 8:30. I think we went to the park- where some adorable old men shared their crumbs with Luke and helped him feed the ducks. We ran general errands, and I got to babysit while Mary had some time out of the house. Thursday was a lazy day- we lit a fire and enjoyed that so much. We did go to the train museum where Luke emphatically pointed to every train and shouted "choo, choo!" We made Indian curry (which I have been wanting to do all break!) for dinner- so simple, and so yumm. I again babysat that night so she could go out. Friday morning I dropped Mary off at an appointment and took Luke to a church where there was an organized class full of jungle gym equipment- but for babies. Saturday we again went to the park- this time equipped with our own food for the ducks.

The whole time, Luke was so fun. He decided to try standing on one leg, hiding all his toys and making you ask where ______ was (difficult when you don't know what he hid in the first place), and he was even trying to say my name! Granted it sounded more like Dedus, but it was definitely what his name for me. He introduced me to another kid when we were at the park. :)