Saturday, October 10, 2009

Bio fieldtrip

I went on a Bio fieldtrip today:) It was quite fun. There are only 6 students, and 3 adults went, too. We headed out at 8 this morning to 1000 palm canyon. We hiked for about 1-2 hours looking at all the different vegitation. It was pretty fun. But hot. Very very hot. We then piled back int othe cars and stopped at the Date Oasis for lunch. We had brought our lunches, but we got to try a date shake:) It was mainly just sweetness in your mouth:) After that, we went to painted canyon. It was so gorgeous. It looked like all the paintings you see where the hills look red and green and blue. Pretty awesome. We hiked around there for awhile. Then piled into the car yet again. We stopped at in-n-out for dinner on the way home and then spent the trip home talking and napping. Twas a fun day, I just wish it hadn't been the weekend before mid-terms!!!! I should really start to study for those (thank goodness I only have 2).

Monday, October 5, 2009


I was able to go home this weekend to visit with Mary and Luke:) I left here Friday night around 8 and was home before nine. I love driving home. I love driving by myself, and I love doing it in the dark- I feel so isolated and wonderful. that sounded emo, but whatever:P Spent most of the weekend at home with siblings and grandparents- it was pretty cool. I came back last night, and was surprised at how much I missed people. It was nice to get back. It was so cold, though! The weather is definitely changing. Gone is the 108 degree weather we had for about 2 weeks. It felt like it was about 50 last night. Today was a lazy day, but I still managed to get a good chunk of homework done. Tonight I have to revise a paper, and then will hopefully be able to go on a walk- I haven't gone in a while. Oh! and when I came back yesterrday I found that my room had been completely cleaned. It's amazing. I don't think it has been this clean since BEFORE we all moved in. So yes, it has been a happy weekend, and will hopefully be just as good of a week (no tests/papers after tomorrow, so it is starting off well:)