Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day!

Nothing quite like running into vote with three other people 10 minutes before the polls shut! :)

Monday, November 1, 2010


It's been a while since we went, but it was just so much fun, that I had to write about it. After mid-terms, everyone was wanting some fun. Stalin had told me about trip to the beach he made with his French during the summer. They'd get up really early, drive to the beach, watch the sunrise, have breakfast, and return to Paris. I know. Sounds like a movie, right? Well we aren't living in Paris, but we decided to do the rest. So on Monday morning- or Sunday night, whichever you prefer- we awoke at 3:45. And did I mention that it was raining?
I won't bore you with too many details, but the drive there was so incredibly funny- probably because we were running on 2.5 hours of sleep, but still. There were 6 of us, so we had to take two cars. Stalin led, and I followed. Following him is the funniest thing ever. We had the whole freeway to ourselves, basically. I mean it was 4! Who's out at 4am? He decided to drive behind the one truck that was on the freeway, though. So there we are going 60mph on an empty road..... We were all questioning his thought process. Then he got cut off by a bread truck. Finally we made it close to the beach. I kid you not, I don't think he ever played the game 'red light, green light' as a kid. 6 out 10 green lights, he would slow down, and I would have to slam on the brakes. Ok not slam, but I'd have to slow down!! At a green light. Occasionally we'd stop completely and just sit there. He is so weird. AND! Parking. There were curbs on either side of us. Long, open, inviting curbs to park at. Apparently they weren't good enough for him? We drove for over 30 minutes, until we finally called them and told them to PARK THE CAR! :)
2 hours later we DID make it to the beach, it had stopped raining, and we were there plenty early to watch the sunrise. After some fun conversation, we made our way back to the car and stopped at Dennys around 9. I managed to keep my lids propped open, but took a long nap through lunch.


I successfully wore one dress everyday for a month. I questioned my sanity at more than one junction, but it'll be a story to tell the kids, eh?