Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A few pictures from December....

It was the end of finals week, and the sun had finally come out! It felt glorious. Well, I did have a paper to write, but a few of us decided to just lie out on the lawn. The the pres. came over to enjoy it with us, and Bleeker brought out the camera. So we held an impromptu lesson on the lawn:)
Afterwards, we got down to work.... by bringing out blankets and "writing our papers"After our day of rain and frigid weather, the mountains were gorgeous!!! Snow half way down the mountain.Jamie and Jana inevitably wound up in a paint battle. As did many of the girls.It is Providence tradition for everyone, during finals week, to put their hand prints up by the room they are staying in for the year. Thursday night, we played the roommate game. Each room sent one person up to the front, and asked us all the same questions. The person up front and the people left sitting down tried to give the same answer. We didn't do too well with the 'normal question section', we did much better with the 'random, why-the-heck-do-you-know-this-about-your-roommate section' ;) We also had a Secret Santa exchange going on that week. This is one of my roommates, Krista.Candace got SO excited when she found out her cute little snowman lights up and changes color! She was literally thrilled.Cadace was Jana's secret santa. We went to Target together and found these hilarious socks! We were hoping she would take it the right way. I think she did =) Candace and I couldn't help but laugh at these socks. They're great.We were a little nervous, though. Right before, someone had given a pretty necklace to the girl sitting next to Jana, and she was really admiring it..... Candace and I just looked at eachother and laughed.Aren't they hilarious? So much better than opening up a bottle of lotion, or something of that sort!
Lots of stress and studying was going on in our room throughout finals week, so at the end, we kind of exploded. We decided to hang our sheep (which Krista had so kindly given to us) from the ceiling. We even tied bells, which someone else had given to us, around their necks. They looked so silly hanging upside down from the ceiling. Either that, or we just had way too much energy after a week of exams =] Either way, it was a fun night. Candace also wanted to hang her sonwman, and really got a kick out of it, when it turned red and glowed on the sheep...... like I said, stress!