Wednesday, December 19, 2007


almost there! only a day and a half more of school before CHRISTmas break. it doesnt seem like it can be less than a week away. getting off school three days before CHRISTmas doesn't give me much time to get in the holiday spirit. oh well, i'll do my best :D
im almost done with my chair in woodshop. hopefully i can bring it home on friday. i've totally loved the weather latley. it rained all day yesterday. i sat outside last night (on my porch) and just watched it. it was awesome. it also rained this morning, so it was more awesome weather! it is supposed to rain tom. too, but im not sure it will. ill be praying though!

Sunday, December 16, 2007


here is a rather cute, and accurate, video of a cat trying to wake up it's owner.