Saturday, September 12, 2009


Today we had a student senate planned event from like 3-5:30. Twas so much fun! Two or three weeks ago we all signed up for this event without knowing exactly what we were doing. We were sent an email telling us what team we were on. My team was amazing- I had a good mix of people that I kind of know and people who I didn't, but want to get to know better. We played tug of war (with a pile of flour and water in the 'pit'), that hula hoop game where you hold hands and try to send it on down the line of people, walked a plank with all 6 members tied at the waist, had like a 6 billion legged race, played volleyball with water balloons and towels. Anyways, our team ended up being in the top two! Which was somewhat of a surprise. The ending game was an all or nothing between the top two games. They had a pool full of pink lemonade, and the two teams lined up single file on either side. The person in front dipped a sponge and then passed over the head, the next person under the legs, and so forth and so on until the last person squeezed it into a bucket and ran to the front of the line. By the time we were done we were covered in lemonade, but regardless, we went to in-n-out covered in the sticky mess. Twas a really fun time.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day

We had a Labor Day bbq, and afterwards about 4 hours of volleyball!!! It was crazy. But fun:) My wrists are so bruised now, though. They are so sensitive that this morning in the shower, it hurt when the water sprayed on them. I guess I should learn when to stop playing. Or toughen up (I like the 2nd option better:).