Friday, September 21, 2007

2nd half

the second half of today was awesome! it started on the bus. bethany and kt left their blankets on the bus, so amy and i used them so that we could sit backward in the seat without flashing anyone. so we were sitting there, and i started slipping down the seat. i catch myself though, and sit back straight. amy saw me, and thought hmm... that looks fun, so the next thing i know, amy is wedged into the seat with her rear, about 3 inches from the ground! it was HILARIOUS to watch her try all the different ways to get unstuck. so ya, we did that for a long time, and i discovered i can actually sit on the ground that way. then, we decided to go to subway. danielle was eating "subway" and it looked good, and made me want one. so kamille, amy, and i walked down there! yummm... i hadnt had subway in forever! and that was basically my day, except that i just finished watching ghost, it was good. it reminded me alot of 6th sense.

here is a picture of how we sat on the bus- the yellow thing is the blanket :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

after school

so today i got to stay after school to take pictures of various sporting events :D the first one was tennis. that one was pretty cool, i almost got hit about 6 times(good thing you werent there, grace) but it was fun to be able to watch alot of the people i know playing. but i had to leave before the game was over, because i had to get my stuff out of the yearbook room, so the janitors could clean up. so then, rachel and i went over to the gym, to get pictures of voleyball. jv was still playing, so we took a couple of pictures of them, and figured out the best setting to use. so i used that setting for the rest of their game, no problem. then varsity starts, and i start taking pictures with the same setting. i go through a whole game. (if you dont know volleyball, they play best 3 out of 5 games) so valley had won the first "game" and i had taken probably 50 pictures. the second game is about to begin, and the server is just holding the ball, pretending to serve, but not really doing it. so i figure what the heck, the people looking in the yearbook wont know the diff. so i take the pic. im pretty dure the flash has been going off for a long time. i mean, im INSIDE a building, and even with the flash on, the pictures were pretty dark. anyway, i take the picture, and the ref finally notices, and asks rachel and i not to use the flash. we just said ok, but we were like, ok, weve only been here for the past 20,30 minutes! but it was all cool, bc the battery was dying, and my mom was in the parking lot, and i really didnt want to stay any longer. so we left, and had to take a detour bc buildings wer locked up- and then we drove home, and now im trying to study for history, but it isnt working too well, bc i am stressing over chem! yikes, what a week

Monday, September 17, 2007


this weekend was super fun, and super short. i was going to go with jessica and friends on friday, to play broomball, but my sister was comming home that night, and we had to do some stuff before she got here. so instead, i did homework, did the 'GETTING READY" and went out to sushi with my mom :D yummm.
my sister and brother got hrere that night, and we sat around talking. next morning we woke up, i did more homework, and then my dad pumped my tire up, and my brother and i raced over to good-year (we could feel the car tilt, as the tire lost more and more air) . so i am getting 2 new front tires. then we went to circuit city, and had them instal my printer on my computer ( i just used it for the first time, tonight) and then came home. actually, we were home for 2 minutes, and the we went BACK to sushi, for lunch, and i went home to meet danielle, and my mom and fam went to see the kittens. danielle pulled up as i got out of the car, and we walked down to my grandparents house, and we played/watched the kiteens. then we got a ride back home, and stood talking out on the front porch. that night mary, ben, jim, and i walked to the park and the guys played tennis, and mary and i sat on the swings! i love the swings. then i "played" more like tried to play tennis with jim. and that was my firday/ saturday- very fun

Sunday, September 16, 2007

i am so bored right now! actually, im just dreading going back to school tomorrow. i know that once i start school, i know ill be fine, its just getting back into it that is hard. especially since i know i have a couple of tests comming up :)
oh, and my sister and brother are here, so im not going to want to go to bed early, but if i dont go to bed early on sunday- im tired the whole week. ill be glad to see you guys again.