Tuesday, November 11, 2008

funny, funny

well the first part of my day, i went to a pregnant mothers home to sign up to volunteer. when i had finished my a'application' i handed it to a lady, she looks at it, and says, "oh, youre here to volunteer!" yes, thanks, do i look like im pregnant??? i thought it was funny.
at 2, i went rockclimbing with a bunch of people. we went to the rock gym in signal hill, which has different belaying (or however you spell it) systems. so none of us knew how to use it, so whenever anyone came down, you got a really bad rope burn... so then ian goes up. and nothing at all against ian, but he is very tall, and weighs 2x me? so im trying to let him down slowly, but the rope burns my hands really really bad! so i dont even know what happened, but i go flying up in the air- and im not kiddin, i was sitting 3 ft off the floor, as was he! it was so funny. everyone in the gym is laughing at us... kind of awkward, but i thought it was funny too, so whatever :D so basically the rest of the time we climbed without ropes, because only jessica could let people down without killing them. it was a really fun day!


Bethany said...

hahaha that's a great story! i wish i had been there to see that!

amy said...

that was soooo funny!

KT said...

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii got a new blog ppls!!

KT said...

ahh its KT i need to fix the name thing haha

KT said...

well that is because Jessica is an amazing human being.