Wednesday, September 3, 2008

back to school!

today was the first day back at school, and I thought things went very well. i went to yb first, which was slightly awkward. then i had english, which i am still apprehesive about. ceramics was fine, not what i was expecting, but ok. land culture book looks like it could easily be my favorite class, we'll see... then i got to go to math which doesn't look like it will be too hard. our class is super small, only 12 people, so thats neat. then i went to government. government will probably turn out to be my least favorite class, but whatever. this year i'm really going to try not to let the little things get me down, after all, i'm not going to survive life anyway:D

whatever happens, don't worry just be happy in all that you do, for as long as you stay positive, it will lead to a happier you!


amy said...

i think LCB will be my fav too!

i like that quote! its so.. you! :]

Bethany said...

LCB is the best class i've ever taken! besides graphic arts of course.

government really isn't all that bad. the notes are tedious but mr. rhodes really knows what he's talking about. unfortunately that doesn't make the class any more enjoyable...