Sunday, October 14, 2007

pic update

this is me and my cousin after spending the day at manhattan. his name is taylor, and we are like3 months apart
this is taylors sister, rachel, with her boyfriend. i used to love following her, her sister, and my sisters around.

this is my kitty tippy, licking the back of my dads wheelchair. he had just put bengay on- she has a 'thing' with bengay. you could say its her own personal get happy drug
this is andrew, jim, taylor, me. andrew and taylor are brothers, and our are cousins- well actually second cousins once removed, or something, but its easier to call them cousins.
this is my sister heather and her fiance, nathan, and me, at a friends graduation party
this is my cousin lyndee (taylor and andrew and rachels mom) and my great aunt Lou ann this is my cousin robina, who is in 8th grade, and whom i think is one of the most gorgeous people i know

i realize this is kinda late, but i just picked out the pictures from over the summer, from my moms camera- here they are


Bethany said...

your cousin is GORGEOUS!!! sounds like you had a lot of fun!

amy said...

me gusta su picturas!!