well, most importantly, i am an aunt! heather and nathan got a puppy. a bull terrier- margo!

i was also painting with a maniac.

i went to the beach twice with all of my cousins, etc. a group of about 20.

i bbsat this little boy. he had SO MUCH HAIR!!! his name is max. his sister is 9 months, name is clara.
I loooove family beach trips!!
omggg that dogg is soooooo cutee
ur sundayyy lukd fun
miness was soooo blahhhh lol
maniac??? who you callin' maniac...just look at those sexy toned arms. and that is why i play tennis, eveybody! haha jk. you know you had fun with me! :) thanks again for the help!
margo is cute and that is a really cute name too!
sexy arms? since when is a farmer's tan sexy?
Hi August! Finally, I found some pictures of Margot! I couldn't find any on Heather's varous sites...she is SO cute. I'm so glad I can come home soon so I can hold her when she's still "a guinea pig". Awww, I want a little Boodle too. :) Bull terriers are super cute. How are you? I can't wait to see you soon and go to the beach! Yay!!!!
that dog is sooooooooooooooooooooo adorable!!!!!!!!!!
i like the pics!!!
the beach looks lie fuuuun!!!!
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