we might have to get ridd of one of our dogs. im gonna cry. youve all heard about how dogs hate it when other dogs try to steal there food right? well Cozzy had never shown any agression about it anyother time, they would often switch bowls in the middle of their meal- they didnt care, but yesterday she did care. trusty came over and tried to eat her food (generally she wouldnt care but it had some "gravy" on it that they both love) and so she bit him. =( and when i say bite i mean that she had him by the neck and he wasnt touching the floor! now i know that sounds bad, but its in a dogs nature! if a cat scrathces you when you hit it are you gonna blame it? i know what she did was wrong but its in all dogs's nature isnt it?
and the sad thing is, shes the one i like. if we had to get ridd of trusty id be sad, but i wouldnt care that much! Cozzy is different, i guess picture having to get ridd of Sandy, Grace- pr your kitten Danielle. we dont know yet what were going to do, since then, shes been perfectly nice, theyve been playing together and everything. one of two things can happen- we start feeding them seperately, or Cozzy has to be put to sleep. im hoping its the first. so ya, im super bummed right now.