well, we were looking at all the jewelry, and we came across this! it was a 'ring' of sorts, it was kinda creepy....

it was a really hot day, so this dog decided to squeeze himself under the refrigorator case

this is a picture of the 'town.' oh and something scary. ok some guy was trying to sell me a bracelet i really didnt want, but i hate saying no, and he kept lowering the price. i said no probably 6/7 times, but he wouldnt go away, and finally i bought it. but anyway, when he turns to try to sell danielle something, the guy in the pic walks over, and asks me if im going to a party tonight. at this point danielle turns around and were like, ummm... not tonight no! he was like, well party here tonight at 11. i was like oh! thats cool. and he was like, so, can you come? we were like, we have no way to get here. he says you gotta sneak out! then he asks where we are staying, and danielle turns around at this point (thanks alot) and i told him the hotel name. ofcourse he had never heard of it, i mean there are twenty billion hotels in mexico. but then he tells me, ill give you free taquilla(spl? i dont often spell that) ill even give you free first round! i was like ooohhhh!!!!!!!!! ill see if i can make it ( in my head i was like FREAK!!!!) but yeah, that was our scary adventure, in which danielle left me alone to fend for myself, although she enjoyed listening }=P

danielle and kt above the resorts private beach

kt running back and forth

garys sunglasses dont quite fit her

this was the view from our room.there was an infinity pool that looked like it dropped off into the ocean. it was gorgeous

HAHAHAH! there were lizzards just lying on the grass when we walked

this was the beach we went jet skiing at. it was really pretty. jet skiing was fun, but you have no idea how sore i am from it now! i was squeezing the seat with my legs too hard, so now i have ginormous bruises

danielle wondering what alcoholic beverage she should order! jk

it was really fun, overall, and there are alot of adventures i want to tell.
I KNOW THAT, i ummmm, errr, just dont apply it to my EVERYday life
oh dear! so tell me why don't you have any pics of YOU on your blog?!?!? i'm glad you had fun; i know i did!
so come across any jack and coke lately? scary!!! or meat in suitcases! so strange! :)
how much did you end up buying the bracelet for?
haha... i always knew danielle was an alcoholic. =P
ummm.... 13$. not too bad,for sterling silver, he was gonna give it to me for 12, but he only had 7 dollars change :D.
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