Whatever happens, DON'T WORRY just BE HAPPY in all that you do,
for as long as you stay positive, it will lead to a
happier you.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
heres me beth and danielle at beths 16th bday. i love this pic alot beth died! oh no! over the summer, our neighbor, johnboy, took us surfing. it was so fun these are all some of my favorite pictures. this one beth took at her churchs bonfire
august you are SO BEAUTIFUL. You're one hot babe. i'm jealous.
I FINALLY FOUND YOUR BLOG! :D How do I add you to my friends? I'm so confused. I keep clikcing "remember me" on the loggin but you know what? It never does.
i love that picture of us. we should all go to the beach again when it gets warmer! :)
i love the last onee!! its awesomtastic!!
i like the last one, too. =]
august you are SO BEAUTIFUL. You're one hot babe. i'm jealous.
I FINALLY FOUND YOUR BLOG! :D How do I add you to my friends? I'm so confused. I keep clikcing "remember me" on the loggin but you know what? It never does.
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