this weekend has been awesome!
let me start out by saying that i have loved driving to school! i save about 5 hours a week, altogether.
yesterday: my mom and i went down to 4
Th street.
-we saw awesome furniture
-i discovered my favorite style. mid-century modern, i love it
-i saw some awesome naked people (aka mannequins, but none were for sale:(
-you know the head i bought a couple weeks ago? i saw another, that ISNT chipped, for the same price. kind of a bummer, but i think mine has a better expression
today: woke up, and finished reading my book,
did my homework
took a shower
i went to the cerritos mall with my mom.
- we went to the puppy store!!!
i found out one of my top 3 favorite breeds is english springer spaniel. they are so cute. there was a 2 month old puupy, who we took into one of the sitting rooms. it was SO cute. it was black and white, and unlike many puppies who like to run around and play, he stayed in your lap, and licked, and cuddled with you. i think i might want one of these more than i want a boxer even!!!! and thats saying alot
- we went to nordstrom
i found a really pretty black dress, but it was way too much, so oh well. then i found a very cute jacket- on sale for $15! so that was an awesome find. then i found a blue polka dot dress.
then we went to souplantation, where they had the best lava cake ever! it was like a fresh warm brownie, that is still really gooey, with a thin layer of brownie on top. with a little ice cream, it was heaven on earth :)