Whatever happens, DON'T WORRY just BE HAPPY in all that you do, for as long as you stay positive, it will lead to a happier you.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
it will be my year in 11.5 hours! i am so excited. 2008 has been a great year, some big things will happen in 09 that will change a lot. graduation for one, college for two, and a new neice/nephew! these are just the three i know about, though. lots more could happen:)
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas break
break has been amazing. my sister and brother came on tuesday, and ever since then weve been playing tons of games. we dont usually play games, but we did this time. most nights we would sit there until 11-12 and just play. pictionary was definitely a favorite.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
a blustery tale
it was raining incredibly hard today, which made me very happy- although it was quite scary driving through puddles that had to be at least 6inches deep! anyways, there was absolutely no way to walk on campus w/out getting your feet wet. danielle and i were freezing! we had sat through two periods with soaking socks and shoes. so durring break, we went into the girls bathroom, took off our shoes, took off our socks, and dried them under the heated hand driers:) it didn't dry them thoroughly, but at least i didnt feel so waterlogged:D i just thought that that was pretty funny!
after school, i went to work for carlos (heather's boss). that was interesting- it felt a little pointless, but i did get a few things done. im supposed to be unpacking and organizing their office, but there is so much stuff, and so little space, im basically moving a box from one spot to another!
after school, i went to work for carlos (heather's boss). that was interesting- it felt a little pointless, but i did get a few things done. im supposed to be unpacking and organizing their office, but there is so much stuff, and so little space, im basically moving a box from one spot to another!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Joshua Tree weekend!
let me start off by saying jtree was amazing!
ill try to go in somewhat of an order-
-arrived at school about 6:30
-packed the bus (the bus was one of the super old ones that are really short, so it was a tight squeeze, but that made it all the more fun)
-the ride took about 3-3.5 hours, i sat next to amy, and across from jessica, and we decided we all need to do something over Christmas break!
-when we arrived, we unloaded the bus, and then set up the tents. thankfully it was almost a full moon, so we had plenty of light :)
-the weather was amazing. cold, but not as bad as i expected. im guessing 40s?
-after we had set up tents (oh, i was in a tent with heidi, sasha, erin, and amy) we sat around the camp fire
-woke up about 6:45
-pancakes for breakfast
-helped clean up the breakfast mess
-we had alone time, where they handed us a paper to read, and we basically went off by ourselves to read them and think about tit
-we were split into 4 teams (mine was marlena, erin, jacob, and susan)
-my team and one other went on a hike in the morning while the other two went climbing. the hike was brutal! im glad i made it out alive:) our leaders were so intense- they just kept going and going- i dont think they realized we hadnt been doing this as long as they had. but after a fun 2.5 hours we all made it out alive!
-we then went back down to where they were climbing and swapped places.
- i started off by learning systems,
-and then climbed. once. just once. isnt that sad? it is the scariest thing in the world to be on top of a cliff and have to step off the edge.
-after that, we walked back to the campground. out of the whole weekend, i think my favorite parts were at the campground
- i volunteered to help make dinner. i unwrapped to chunks of solid ground beef, and was supposed to be cooking with a team member, but jeff walked over, and started helping. then he started bragging about how he makes the best quesadillas. so he and i cooked the meal for that night, and honestly, cooking with him was the highlight of the trip for me i think. it was just fun to joke around the whole time. plus, it was really neat to be able to see everyone. i mean, everyone wanted to eat, so i got to see every face as they waited in line for the food- that was cool.
-after dinner we talked for a while- jessica showed amy and i how you can burn hand sanitizer:)
it felt nice and warm
-we then took a short walk out to see crazy jack (shogan)
-meanwhile jeff is messing with me and trying to pull my hat off- which is one of the reasons i dont wear hats. i actually think joseph started it (trying to pull my hat off).
-after that our teams split up and had to come up with a machine to represent (we did a vending machine) and change the lyrics to a Christmas song (12 days of Christmas) turns out 2 other groups chose this song, and the other 2 groups did jingle bell rock! so funny and random
-after that, some of us sat around the fire and tried to think up as many songs as we could with the word rock in them- boys vs. girls. girls winning of course.
-we all went into the tent after that, being totally beat, but a bunch of the guys were playing a game outside
-having heard all day about a game called star tripping (you look up at a star, spin really really fast, have a light shine in your eyes, and fall to the ground w/out realizing it) i had to at least see it! it was the funniest thing ever. people lose all dignity when they go camping! people were standing up, and then they'd be on the ground rolling over, trying to orient themselves. i ended up trying it, and it is so weird. you dont even know youre falling, until you hit the ground (it doesnt hurt) mrs fieldhouse and another leader (kim) also did it star tripping was another highlight of the trip
-we really did go to bed after that, and after that day, i slept a lot better than the first night!
-pancakes for breakfast
- oh, i forgot. the night before, it began to get a little windy. nothing THAT bad, but it was definitely blowing the tents back and forth. saturday morning, it was REALLY windy.
-so, trying to take a tent down, and fold it, in th wind was quite a challenge! but we managed, with four to five people standing on it:)
-at some point, i looked up, and brad auman was throwing dirt on a chair- my chair:( the wind had blown a spark or something onto it, and it pretty much went up in a blaze of glory! oh well.
- we then started the MIGs. my team wasnt super motivated to win, so we had a lot of fun with it. i really love those girls. we had to do things like roll balls through holes on a tarp, blind climb (only two people had to), skiing (4 people on two would 'skis' trying to walk around), use bricks to walk across a lake of acid:P, roll a marble down lengths of tubing (we really were disfunctional), and then were tested for systems. we walked everywhere, and even stopped for about 15 minutes for lunch. like i said, we werent trying to win, but we really bonded, and were laughing the whole time.
- after that we basically packed the bus to leave.
-before we could get on the bus, though, we had to fit about 25 people on one small rock. this was another highlight. the wind did not help your balance. the girls all got into the center, and then the guys were going to try to grab on and stay up for 10 seconds (like the game telephoneboothbut on a rock).
-oh, jessica and heidi had to go home early that morning
-on the way home, we stopped at food places, but amy and i decided to stick with starbucks, since we had just eaten.
-anyways, no one was hurt that whole weekend, but in the mc donalds parking lot, some girl tripped and scraped her arms and twisted her foot- nothing bad, just ironic!
-the ride home was pretty uneventful, except amy and i had fun with the windmills (they looked like they were doing aerobics)
-finally we got back to school, and unloaded the bus.
- my parents picked me up, and greeted me with the news that my sister mary is pregnant!!!
what a weekend, right? i was very excited, and cant wait to see the new little face that will be here sometime in August (supposedly)!!!
sorry this was so long. overall the weekend was amazing. i would definitely go again.
ill try to go in somewhat of an order-
-arrived at school about 6:30
-packed the bus (the bus was one of the super old ones that are really short, so it was a tight squeeze, but that made it all the more fun)
-the ride took about 3-3.5 hours, i sat next to amy, and across from jessica, and we decided we all need to do something over Christmas break!
-when we arrived, we unloaded the bus, and then set up the tents. thankfully it was almost a full moon, so we had plenty of light :)
-the weather was amazing. cold, but not as bad as i expected. im guessing 40s?
-after we had set up tents (oh, i was in a tent with heidi, sasha, erin, and amy) we sat around the camp fire
-woke up about 6:45
-pancakes for breakfast
-helped clean up the breakfast mess
-we had alone time, where they handed us a paper to read, and we basically went off by ourselves to read them and think about tit
-we were split into 4 teams (mine was marlena, erin, jacob, and susan)
-my team and one other went on a hike in the morning while the other two went climbing. the hike was brutal! im glad i made it out alive:) our leaders were so intense- they just kept going and going- i dont think they realized we hadnt been doing this as long as they had. but after a fun 2.5 hours we all made it out alive!
-we then went back down to where they were climbing and swapped places.
- i started off by learning systems,
-and then climbed. once. just once. isnt that sad? it is the scariest thing in the world to be on top of a cliff and have to step off the edge.
-after that, we walked back to the campground. out of the whole weekend, i think my favorite parts were at the campground
- i volunteered to help make dinner. i unwrapped to chunks of solid ground beef, and was supposed to be cooking with a team member, but jeff walked over, and started helping. then he started bragging about how he makes the best quesadillas. so he and i cooked the meal for that night, and honestly, cooking with him was the highlight of the trip for me i think. it was just fun to joke around the whole time. plus, it was really neat to be able to see everyone. i mean, everyone wanted to eat, so i got to see every face as they waited in line for the food- that was cool.
-after dinner we talked for a while- jessica showed amy and i how you can burn hand sanitizer:)
it felt nice and warm
-we then took a short walk out to see crazy jack (shogan)
-meanwhile jeff is messing with me and trying to pull my hat off- which is one of the reasons i dont wear hats. i actually think joseph started it (trying to pull my hat off).
-after that our teams split up and had to come up with a machine to represent (we did a vending machine) and change the lyrics to a Christmas song (12 days of Christmas) turns out 2 other groups chose this song, and the other 2 groups did jingle bell rock! so funny and random
-after that, some of us sat around the fire and tried to think up as many songs as we could with the word rock in them- boys vs. girls. girls winning of course.
-we all went into the tent after that, being totally beat, but a bunch of the guys were playing a game outside
-having heard all day about a game called star tripping (you look up at a star, spin really really fast, have a light shine in your eyes, and fall to the ground w/out realizing it) i had to at least see it! it was the funniest thing ever. people lose all dignity when they go camping! people were standing up, and then they'd be on the ground rolling over, trying to orient themselves. i ended up trying it, and it is so weird. you dont even know youre falling, until you hit the ground (it doesnt hurt) mrs fieldhouse and another leader (kim) also did it star tripping was another highlight of the trip
-we really did go to bed after that, and after that day, i slept a lot better than the first night!
-pancakes for breakfast
- oh, i forgot. the night before, it began to get a little windy. nothing THAT bad, but it was definitely blowing the tents back and forth. saturday morning, it was REALLY windy.
-so, trying to take a tent down, and fold it, in th wind was quite a challenge! but we managed, with four to five people standing on it:)
-at some point, i looked up, and brad auman was throwing dirt on a chair- my chair:( the wind had blown a spark or something onto it, and it pretty much went up in a blaze of glory! oh well.
- we then started the MIGs. my team wasnt super motivated to win, so we had a lot of fun with it. i really love those girls. we had to do things like roll balls through holes on a tarp, blind climb (only two people had to), skiing (4 people on two would 'skis' trying to walk around), use bricks to walk across a lake of acid:P, roll a marble down lengths of tubing (we really were disfunctional), and then were tested for systems. we walked everywhere, and even stopped for about 15 minutes for lunch. like i said, we werent trying to win, but we really bonded, and were laughing the whole time.
- after that we basically packed the bus to leave.
-before we could get on the bus, though, we had to fit about 25 people on one small rock. this was another highlight. the wind did not help your balance. the girls all got into the center, and then the guys were going to try to grab on and stay up for 10 seconds (like the game telephoneboothbut on a rock).
-oh, jessica and heidi had to go home early that morning
-on the way home, we stopped at food places, but amy and i decided to stick with starbucks, since we had just eaten.
-anyways, no one was hurt that whole weekend, but in the mc donalds parking lot, some girl tripped and scraped her arms and twisted her foot- nothing bad, just ironic!
-the ride home was pretty uneventful, except amy and i had fun with the windmills (they looked like they were doing aerobics)
-finally we got back to school, and unloaded the bus.
- my parents picked me up, and greeted me with the news that my sister mary is pregnant!!!
what a weekend, right? i was very excited, and cant wait to see the new little face that will be here sometime in August (supposedly)!!!
sorry this was so long. overall the weekend was amazing. i would definitely go again.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
just a couple of new things...
well, first off, we got a few new mice, a while ago. actually they are classroom pets for my mom, but they are still really cute. a little brown one and a white one. not as good as rats, but still cute to watch:)
um, my mom and i walked to target yesterday, and i got a new teddybear! i know im a little old for stuffed animals, but he was so cute! so now im wondering what to name him....
i am going to joshua tree tomorrow. very excited, a little nervous. i was fine in the gym, but hopefully ill be able to climb the real rocks too. im also hoping it doesnt get too cold. i want it cold, its part of the experience, but i dont need it below 32 degrees (which westrup said might happen:(brrr.....:)
so yes, thats it. im going to go start packing! have a great end of the week (only 1.5 more weks of school)
um, my mom and i walked to target yesterday, and i got a new teddybear! i know im a little old for stuffed animals, but he was so cute! so now im wondering what to name him....
i am going to joshua tree tomorrow. very excited, a little nervous. i was fine in the gym, but hopefully ill be able to climb the real rocks too. im also hoping it doesnt get too cold. i want it cold, its part of the experience, but i dont need it below 32 degrees (which westrup said might happen:(brrr.....:)
so yes, thats it. im going to go start packing! have a great end of the week (only 1.5 more weks of school)
Saturday, December 6, 2008
tree farm!

yesterday, sitting in the parking lot, danielle and i decided to do something that night. we didn't know exactly what- neither of us had money, but that wasnt going to stop us. at about 5, i arrived at her house, where she and alisha were printing out pictures and making an album. alisha needed to go home, though, so we started off the night by dropping her off, we then went to subway(my mommy gave me a giftcard she had), and then our bright idea was to go to the beach to eat it. it wasn't all that dark when we decided to, but after 45 minutes of looking for a parking spot (literally), it was pretty dark. finally we find one, and walk half way down the beach. then we kind of just stopped and looked at eachother, and were like "are you scared?" "not scared, nervous" :on edge" etc. so after looking for a spot for that long, we ended up running back to civilization :] we didnt want to just go back to her house, so we stopped at a Christms tree "farm." there we ate dinner, hid in the trees, danced, went wild.....
then we went to ralphs- just for the heck of it, and started dancing through the isles.
we saw a few odd things- we saw a fairy walking down the street, and we saw 3 'army cars' (they werent really, they were for the Christmas parade or something). it was so weird, but they waved, and seemed friendly.
oh, and danielle totally killed a tree. we were looking at the small trees, and she toatlly picked it up to see how heavy it was. it came out of its little stand, so she just throws it on the floor... dead. what a mean person!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
i haven't posted in FOREVER!
but nothing has been happening. so im just going to list random things that have been going on lately.
-john is visiting mary and ben currently
-i bought an awesome camera the other day
-i am sleeping in my bed tonight! :) (ive been house sitting for heather and nathan)
-i should be reading hamlet right now
-my lowest grade is in ceramics, how sad is that?
-i sat in the parking lot at school for 1.25 hours talking to danielle today
-i may have failed the math quiz i took today
-i am reading a tale of two cities for school
-i want to go on a missions trip to africa
-i want to learn to play the guitar
-i really want to go inside and eat ice cream, but should probably wait until i have more hmwrk done
-im loving senior year. i dont know why, something just seems different about it. it definitely isnt as hard as last year was, im enjoying (most:) of my classes, im not taking school as seriously, i feel like im re-getting to know a lot of my classmates that i havent necessarily talked to in awhile.
so yes, that was my feeble attempt at updating this blog, bc i refuse to let it die. hopefully something more exciting will happen soon. who knows, i may have 2 broken legs tomorrow because i jumped out of an airplane and tried to catch someone whose parachute wouldnt release!
-john is visiting mary and ben currently
-i bought an awesome camera the other day
-i am sleeping in my bed tonight! :) (ive been house sitting for heather and nathan)
-i should be reading hamlet right now
-my lowest grade is in ceramics, how sad is that?
-i sat in the parking lot at school for 1.25 hours talking to danielle today
-i may have failed the math quiz i took today
-i am reading a tale of two cities for school
-i want to go on a missions trip to africa
-i want to learn to play the guitar
-i really want to go inside and eat ice cream, but should probably wait until i have more hmwrk done
-im loving senior year. i dont know why, something just seems different about it. it definitely isnt as hard as last year was, im enjoying (most:) of my classes, im not taking school as seriously, i feel like im re-getting to know a lot of my classmates that i havent necessarily talked to in awhile.
so yes, that was my feeble attempt at updating this blog, bc i refuse to let it die. hopefully something more exciting will happen soon. who knows, i may have 2 broken legs tomorrow because i jumped out of an airplane and tried to catch someone whose parachute wouldnt release!
Monday, November 24, 2008
first few days off...
well, saturday i had to work. a pretty good day, not too boring :) yesterday i went to church, made a really cute snowman, and then went to pick john up from the airport. so happy hes home! came home, 24 was on :D then everyone went to bed, so john and i sat watching tv and talking, which was awesome. today. i havent done anything fun. ive been trying to get things done that have been needing to get done for awhile. that way, if i finish early in the week, i can have fun the last half:)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
cats and rats
just a few minutes ago, i was sitting on the couch watching tv when i heard a loud thud. it sounded like a bird flew into the door- hard! i stood up to see what it was, and my kitty had caught a rat. i can only guess that she was playing with it and threw it against the door (poor rat). she was so happy- purring, and rubbing up against me. so cute, and so disgusting.:)
anyway, nothing else has happened for awhile, and im going to bed!
anyway, nothing else has happened for awhile, and im going to bed!
Monday, November 17, 2008
so many things to think about
i feel like life is getting complicated, but it really shouldn't be! there are so many different things running through my head right now........ how do i get them to stop???
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
funny, funny
well the first part of my day, i went to a pregnant mothers home to sign up to volunteer. when i had finished my a'application' i handed it to a lady, she looks at it, and says, "oh, youre here to volunteer!" yes, thanks, do i look like im pregnant??? i thought it was funny.
at 2, i went rockclimbing with a bunch of people. we went to the rock gym in signal hill, which has different belaying (or however you spell it) systems. so none of us knew how to use it, so whenever anyone came down, you got a really bad rope burn... so then ian goes up. and nothing at all against ian, but he is very tall, and weighs 2x me? so im trying to let him down slowly, but the rope burns my hands really really bad! so i dont even know what happened, but i go flying up in the air- and im not kiddin, i was sitting 3 ft off the floor, as was he! it was so funny. everyone in the gym is laughing at us... kind of awkward, but i thought it was funny too, so whatever :D so basically the rest of the time we climbed without ropes, because only jessica could let people down without killing them. it was a really fun day!
at 2, i went rockclimbing with a bunch of people. we went to the rock gym in signal hill, which has different belaying (or however you spell it) systems. so none of us knew how to use it, so whenever anyone came down, you got a really bad rope burn... so then ian goes up. and nothing at all against ian, but he is very tall, and weighs 2x me? so im trying to let him down slowly, but the rope burns my hands really really bad! so i dont even know what happened, but i go flying up in the air- and im not kiddin, i was sitting 3 ft off the floor, as was he! it was so funny. everyone in the gym is laughing at us... kind of awkward, but i thought it was funny too, so whatever :D so basically the rest of the time we climbed without ropes, because only jessica could let people down without killing them. it was a really fun day!
Monday, November 10, 2008
i spent the whole day with my mom, which we havent done in a while, so it was a pretty good day. we started out by going to a house (just for fun), and then to target. i love target. i got a couple much needed things there, then we went to kohls to look for guys undershirts, the library, costco, and i think after that we went to lunch at an asian restaurant. yummy food! then we went to see the movie changeling. it was so good, and so sad, and so shocking. i cant believe the police were ever that bad! it was just a fun day, and now i should start studying for gov, but i really dont feel like it!
Friday, November 7, 2008
los ceritos park
bethany called tonight, at bout 7, wondering if i wanted to go out wit hehr and sam. so of course i said yes, and we drove down to a cemetery. we turned in somewhere we totally shouldn't have. it was so funny. we were laughing, 'cause we driving around on a dirt road. then we went to downtown Lb near the pike, and took a few random pictures.
then, we went home (bethany's house) and picked up aaron. from there, we went to los cerritos park with sam's longboard, and aarons skateboard. we all took turns riding it, and i got my first real experience on both. the longboard was definitely easier to steer, but i could stay on the skateboard better. so that was fun.
i don't know, i just liked the randomness of it. i wish i had someone to do random things with, but i don't (unless beth is home for the weekend).
then, we went home (bethany's house) and picked up aaron. from there, we went to los cerritos park with sam's longboard, and aarons skateboard. we all took turns riding it, and i got my first real experience on both. the longboard was definitely easier to steer, but i could stay on the skateboard better. so that was fun.
i don't know, i just liked the randomness of it. i wish i had someone to do random things with, but i don't (unless beth is home for the weekend).
Thursday, November 6, 2008
hellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohello hellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohello hellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohello hellohellohello hellohellohello hellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohello hellohellohellohellohellohellohello hellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohello hellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohello hellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohello hellohellohellohellohellohello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
the rock gym was amazing today, so much fun. i made it up the walls several times, including some moderately hard walls, so i was proud of myself. it just came a lot more naturally this time- im not nearly as 'trembly' as i was afterwards last time. oh, and the bus ride home was hilarious- kelsey was engaging mr westrup in a rather heated discussion about prop 2, and aaron and joseph hearing the word meat wanted to get in on it. knowing that she would completely flip if they added their two cents, i engaged them in some interesting topics. watches, man bags, meat, etc.
tonight, i went to the party at school. it was pretty cool. not that it was fun or anything, we sat in a room for 2 hours watching the tv (actually talking, but we were supposed to watch). obama won, which i am recording simply because i like to read over past posts and see what went on. then we took food off the tables and ran for the car :] i dropped aaron off, and am now here. i need to practice for my presentation in government tomorrow, and then off to bed! kind of stressed about this project, but it will all be over soon.
tonight, i went to the party at school. it was pretty cool. not that it was fun or anything, we sat in a room for 2 hours watching the tv (actually talking, but we were supposed to watch). obama won, which i am recording simply because i like to read over past posts and see what went on. then we took food off the tables and ran for the car :] i dropped aaron off, and am now here. i need to practice for my presentation in government tomorrow, and then off to bed! kind of stressed about this project, but it will all be over soon.
Monday, November 3, 2008
soo nothing is going on, im just trying to avoid hw. seems like thats my life nowadays!
anwayz. tomorrow is election day! ive been kinda stressed out about it this year, i mean never have two such opposite people run, right? so ya, definitely hoping mccain wins, but it doesnt look good...
tomorrow i get to go to the rock gym! so much fun, hopefully i can make it to the top a few times- there is going to be a ton of people though, so if i get shoes, ill be lucky :)
oh, im also going to a potus party for elections tomorrow! i dont know. doesnt sound overly fun, but for 20points of ectra credit, ill go.
wednesday- nothing
thursday- nothin
friday- 1/2 day! oh yes!
then we have a 4 day weekend, in which i will work, hopefully finish (and start) college aplications, and it would be awesome to nock out my volunteer hours, too.
well see what comes up along the way that i can post about.
see ya!
anwayz. tomorrow is election day! ive been kinda stressed out about it this year, i mean never have two such opposite people run, right? so ya, definitely hoping mccain wins, but it doesnt look good...
tomorrow i get to go to the rock gym! so much fun, hopefully i can make it to the top a few times- there is going to be a ton of people though, so if i get shoes, ill be lucky :)
oh, im also going to a potus party for elections tomorrow! i dont know. doesnt sound overly fun, but for 20points of ectra credit, ill go.
wednesday- nothing
thursday- nothin
friday- 1/2 day! oh yes!
then we have a 4 day weekend, in which i will work, hopefully finish (and start) college aplications, and it would be awesome to nock out my volunteer hours, too.
well see what comes up along the way that i can post about.
see ya!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
alarm clock
i saw a really neat alarm clock! well kind of, it could also be termed annoying. it has wheels, and if you press the snooze button, it will roll off the nightstand, hide under something, so next time it goes off you have to get out of bed and look for it. i thought it was a good idea =D
Monday, October 27, 2008
lets see. i went to the foodbank today. pretty cool, nice to get out of school!
oh! last week i went and picked up my senior photo and yesterday it was put up on the wall! so exciting. i dont usually think of myself as being in any grade in particular, but once in awhile something will make me realize, and that was one of those moments :D
oh! last week i went and picked up my senior photo and yesterday it was put up on the wall! so exciting. i dont usually think of myself as being in any grade in particular, but once in awhile something will make me realize, and that was one of those moments :D
Sunday, October 26, 2008
end of the week
friday: was a good day. school went well, i loved our shirts. homecoming was good- im glad we won. i walked around with amy most of the time. for the other part of the night, we sat with danielle and julie. i wasn't feeling that great, though, so i didn't go to the dance after.
saturday: i was at work all day, but my mom and then bethany and some of her friends came to visit. after work bethany picked me up and i went with her, leah, davey, and sam went to a mexican restaurant. then we went to pick up jack- leah's friend. so then we went to bethany's house and basically we all watched bethany tiedye until 10:30. chrissy came over for awhile too. then we all (except chrissy) piled into the minivan and drove to the beach. it was so foggy, you couldnt see more than 20feet away. so many things happened i could never begin to describe how much fun it was. one of the best parts was i was with new people, though. i love valley, but ive known all those people for so long, and it was so fun to be with people i havent known for forever. id met 2 people once before, 2 never, and i always love hanging out with beth and aaron.
sunday: went to church, then to a reformation service, then i went on a walk with my mom, and now im watching gone with the wind.
ill try to post pics later, i dont feel like it right now.
saturday: i was at work all day, but my mom and then bethany and some of her friends came to visit. after work bethany picked me up and i went with her, leah, davey, and sam went to a mexican restaurant. then we went to pick up jack- leah's friend. so then we went to bethany's house and basically we all watched bethany tiedye until 10:30. chrissy came over for awhile too. then we all (except chrissy) piled into the minivan and drove to the beach. it was so foggy, you couldnt see more than 20feet away. so many things happened i could never begin to describe how much fun it was. one of the best parts was i was with new people, though. i love valley, but ive known all those people for so long, and it was so fun to be with people i havent known for forever. id met 2 people once before, 2 never, and i always love hanging out with beth and aaron.
sunday: went to church, then to a reformation service, then i went on a walk with my mom, and now im watching gone with the wind.
ill try to post pics later, i dont feel like it right now.
Friday, October 24, 2008
more 80s
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
day 1- class color

today was pretty fun. we had an assembly which we would have completely rocked at if alisha hadnt fallen, like 5 feet from the end line, but whatever. we did win class cheers, though, so that was cool. freshmen beat sophomores, so the school better watch out! here are some pics.
Saturday, October 18, 2008

i'm exhausted, so ill just post pictures! i have to say, our shirts turned out amazing! so basically we ordered pizza, spent all day making shirts, and then went to the thrift store to buy an 80s outfit for grace. also found a jacket for danielle- perfect! so now i need to do my homework :)
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